ETHRAX25 is a modified version of the ETHERSL packet driver from the Crynwr collection. It provides an Ethernet (Class 1) interface to the application, and produces AX.25 UI frames, encapsulated in KISS on a serial port Outgoing Ethernet frames are converted into AX.25 Unnumbered Information (UI) frames. The application sees pseudo-Ethernet addresses which are an encoded representation of the AX.25 address The AX.25 frame is then encapsulated in KISS framing and sent on the specified serial port to a KISS-mode TNC The reverse is done for incoming KISS frames, which are converted to pseudo-Ethernet frames for the application If the frame contains an ARP packet, the driver translates the hardware addresses between AX.25 address and pseudo-Ethernet addresses as needed. Thus ARP works transparently. The Ethernet broadcast address ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff is converted to the AX.25 broadcast address QST-0 and vice versa